Merlin holds on tight to a Hibiscus plant (Hibiscus sp.).
Merlin the Veiled Chameleon joined me outside to enjoy the beautiful summer day.
When he is outside, Merlin moves very differently than when he is in his indoor enclosure. In unfamiliar territory, Merlin is cautious and does his best to camouflage with his surroundings through both his coloration and movements.
When I take Merlin outside, his coloration is usually a mix of green and brown. I think the sunlight presence, absence, and strength impacts the darkness of Merlin's coloration.
Most of Merlin's outdoor time is spent staying very still upon a plant's branch. If Merlin chooses to move, he moves when there is a breeze that shakes and bends the branches and leaves of the plant. This diffuses attention that might otherwise be drawn straight to him. So clever! To top it off, Merlin rocks his body forward and backward while advancing forward to further disguise his presence. What great behavioral camouflage!
Merlin will slowly spin himself to be on the opposite side of of a branch when he sees me peering over at him!